
                                          Luftkurort Wiesmoor - die Blumenstadt          

Wiesmoor 100 Jahre


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10 Jahre Wiesmoor-info     August 2001- August 2011

Situated in a natural environment in the heart of Ostfriesland, and known as the flower capital, Wiesmoor has become famous far beyond the borders of Lower Saxony and throughout the Federal Republic of Germany for its flower festival. Recognized by the state as an open-air, vacation spot, Wiesmoor serves not only as an example of one of the most attractive flower shows in the republic, but it also represents a successful and practical cooperative effort of the community.

( Sigmar Gabriel, former Minister President of Niedersachsen, grand marshall for the 49th Flower Festival)

Wiesmoor Blütenkönigin Angelonia
Additionally, on the first weekend in September the annual flower festival is held.  In 2001 the 50th anniversary was celebrated. Wilfried Bohlsen, former member of the Bundestag (federal parliament), has been the director of the tourist bureau for many years. He was working on a history of the flower festival which was ready in time for the anniversary celebration.
The photo shows the flower queen of 2007, Angelonia, crowned by the secretary of the interior of Lower Saxony, Uwe Schuenemann